Update Payment Date and Notes on Invoices

From each individual Invoice, admins can easily update the payment date and notes.

October 5, 2018

Based on feedback from Organizations, we've now made it easy to update the Payment Date and Notes on an invoice. 

This is especially convenient when recording Offline Payments into Join It -- in the case that a member paid offline (e.g. handing you a check at an event) but it's not recorded into the system until later. 

To give this a spin, you can go to the 'Finance' section and click on any payment receipt. While viewing the recept, you'll now see the option to 'Edit Reciept' -- which will display the optins to edit the Payment Date and Notes. 

Let us know if you have any feedback on this latest release!

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Are there discounts available?
What currency are the prices for the Packages listed in?
Can my organization collect donations with Join It? 
Why does Join It charge a service fee? 
How is Join It's service fee different from Stripe's payment processing fee? 
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