New Sidebar Navigation

We've analyzed our most popular features and made them easier to discover.

April 27, 2019

As Join It adds more features, it's important for us to keep things simple and help our organizations discover all the excellent functionality that's available. 

Often, we would receive requests for features that existed but were hidden under layers of navigation -- so now we've been working to bring the most important features to their own navigation layer under the main menu options. 

This has already improved the discoverability of existing functionality, and helps admins of organizations get to their intended destination quicker. 

Any questions?

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there discounts available?
What currency are the prices for the Packages listed in?
Can my organization collect donations with Join It? 
Why does Join It charge a service fee? 
How is Join It's service fee different from Stripe's payment processing fee? 
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