Improved Social Sharing and SEO for Organizations

We recently made some improvements that help your Organization get discovered through Search and Social Media channels.

April 14, 2020

Two critical channels for finding new members are Social Media and Search. So, Join It recently made some improvements that help your Organization in both these channels! 

I'll try not to get too far into the nitty gritty, but let me explain some improvements we made. 

Search: You've probably heard of Search Engine Optimization, but it's probably not something you actively worry about (that's what we're here for!). There's a couple different parts to making sure your page shows up in Google's search results, and one of the components is making sure the page has the correct 'mark up' for Google to understand what the page is about! We've just completed some additional work to optimize Organization profiles on Join It -- so you can be assured that you're taken care of!

Social Media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest): Although you probably use some form of social media every day, the complexity of these sites is hidden underneath. Similar to Google, these social media sites 'crawl' web pages and store information on links that are shared within their networks. And it's up to website providers like Join It to 'tag' pages to indicate what's behind a link. We recently made some improvements for the most popular social networks to make sure they know what's behind your Organization's profile when it's shared on Social Media. 

As always, contact us if you have any questions!

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