Admin Only Fields

Now our subscribers can store information on members that is private to admins of your organization.

October 25, 2018

Creating custom fields for members is part of our core database functionality -- and one of our most popular features. 

However, some organizations need to store similar information on behalf of members that is only available to organization admins. 

In response to this feedback, we've created custom fields that can be 'admin-only' -- only visible and editable by an organization admin when viewing the membership record. 

As always, if you have any feedback or comments -- we would love to hear! 

Any questions?

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there discounts available?
What currency are the prices for the Packages listed in?
Can my organization collect donations with Join It? 
Why does Join It charge a service fee? 
How is Join It's service fee different from Stripe's payment processing fee? 
Still have questions?