MailChimp Features

MailChimp Features You Should Use Today

Taryn Hefner
March 15, 2022
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MailChimp is one of the largest email marketing service and automation platforms in the United States! If you’re only using the basic features, it’s time to step up your game and make use of some of the more advanced features. Here are three to get you started! 


Re-engage customers who have already used your website once but haven’t returned. You can easily customize the length of time you wait before sending a follow-up email to find that sweet spot for your business! 

For example, if you sell products that users frequently purchase on a monthly basis, set your re-engage automation for 45 days. That way, you’ll be able to remind your customers that they’re probably out of their product and need to reorder! Alternatively, you could set the time period to 28 days and use the email to remind customers that they need to order soon to make sure they don’t run out! 


If you haven’t made use of the Google Analytics integration yet, you’re missing out on some serious opportunities for data analysis. Connecting your Google Analytics account to your MailChimp account will allow you to see more of your customers’ journey and interactions with your website. 

A user could easily find your website through paid ads, visit once through organic search and sign up for your newsletter or email list on that visit, and then not visit again for a month. If you send an email and they click through to the website to make a purchase, you’ll be able to tell that your email was the final touchpoint and likely made the difference between purchasing and not purchasing! This demonstrates the power of an email subscription in maintaining engagement and driving conversions.

This type of insight is especially important for teams that need to justify their email marketing strategies or marketing budget. 


Did you know that MailChimp can automatically run A/B tests for you? It’s true! You can easily test your subject lines, template structure, or content with this functionality. 

If you do decide to do some testing, make sure you’re only testing one element at a time so you can easily see which campaign performs best. MailChimp will show you the difference in open rate and click-through rate for each test and you can choose the winner! 

Wrapping Up 

There are a ton of features that MailChimp offers, and it can be overwhelming to try and sort through them all at once. Get your basics down first, and then branch out! Use these features to start your introduction to the more advanced features, and enjoy making your campaigns that much more effective. 

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Taryn Hefner
Head of Marketing

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